2011年8月27日 星期六

最近很喜欢写博客 想把发生的事都记录下来
考试很快就完了 其实很简单 就除了account 没办法 谁叫我们常逃课

跟佩婷是天天都在讲话 好像是讲不完 讲到下车了还说明天继续
如果下个sem 我们还不改 就真的等resit了

至于我的男友 他最近还是很听话 除了死都要顶一两句之外 :P
他很迁就我 除了我爸 我对他就是最野蛮了
我喜欢叫他早上一定要吵醒我 还是每个半个钟打一次 那我晚上才会早睡
可是我都睡死了 他打来我一定会骂
还记得那时去香港 我直头是睡死了 他把我的被都拉走 我赶他去弟弟房间 关门继续睡 哈
可是有时我醒来又不记得 就会怪他没叫我 哈哈
然后无端端叫他say sorry 他都会做 只是觉得我莫名其妙 嘻

希望去bangkok 时你可以找到办法把我吵醒吧 chu

2011年8月19日 星期五


18.8 可爱小肥仔生日

哈哈 这张偷偷放的哟


就剩三科难搞的 我就放假了哦
好多东西想做 时间好像不够呢
旅行就用了一星期 好想血拼
买件比基尼去海边 只是想想 呵呵

房间的东西多到没位放了 乱七八糟什么垃圾都受着没丢
衣服一堆堆看到就晕 可以请个钟点来收拾吗

原本打算明年生日去台湾 但是2月没有假期阿
天气又冷 才8度 天啊 我不要好像香港的行程
几乎都不敢冲凉 出去风吹过还怕头发有异味呢
4月天气凉凉的 又刚好假期 害我好想订飞机票

考完试要认真想想了 继续我的温习咯

2011年8月15日 星期一

Is coming *

party rock night,but not really rock
maybe the song i dun like electronic actually :(

peggie join us too :D

and thursday night we went for Tao as our dinner
all my friends told me its was nice

from the picture is look like

but ... not the truth!
We all totally disappointed!


snowflake to cover our lose hope :)

and friday night we have this!!

Seafood is my favorite all the time *hehe

Certainly,I have start my revision with joanne ,and invite sifu * wai sen to teach us
whole day for only 1 question!! the reason is the stupid tutor !!!!!

And yesterday,Matta fair time!
Actually we want to find a Taiwan package

but is toooooo many booth~~we just take all the booklet and flyer
survey ourselves at home ba *sigh

Continue my revision,today is gonna finish chapter 5,6,7,8!
final over,is my trip coming *wink*

2011年8月4日 星期四

Update 4/8

changed my song and background
my blog was leave in sleep mood long time
now i gonna turn i t ON !

talk about my recent life,all is about college
have a lot of new friends,but my class only have 3 out of 35 is boy!
final is coming soon..but joanne and i still relaxing :D

what we play when bored!

done it when we skipping class~~haha

we plan to release our stress on this saturday night !! *party hehehe
And decide going to matta fair for survey next year trip!

Lazy student
We always revision on last minute!

And my little doggie is getting heavy and heavy
tired to hold her when outing!!
so my dear bring her to jogging

But i have no time to capture her pic cos she keep RUNNING!

and her new clothes,Ta Dang!
student look~~haha
my mum keep talking with her :学生妹~~bla bla bla

And she has a new friend -- DON DON

Joanne new doggie!!!HE is sooo cute and small
and he is jumping when running.haha *maybe too light
when he become bigger size,we gonna bring our doggie to jogging together
but now..i scare BOBO will bite him!hehe

random pic with stupid face!

and this is special for our 31 month anniversary

I could be your everything
and you could be my one